Workplace Culture

Do you wish to be considered as an “employer of choice?”

Over the last few years, the issue of Workplace Culture has been launched into the spot light. Mainstream media in Australia has focused on a number of high profile, workplace indiscretions, placing a focus on known Workplace Cultural issues.

These issues are not isolated to the public sector or to a specific industry, such as entertainment or production.

Our experience is that Workplace Culture has always been a challenge for employers and Senior Leadership Teams. The diversity of employees in an organisation, the high pressure performance based environments, and workplace practices that can often be older than Australian Federation itself, are all contributing factors.

Anyone who believes that Culture in the Workplace is a Finance or Human Resources bi-product, needs to have a closer look at where the real issues reside.

Here at WSA we believe there are five pillars that all contribute to workplace eco-system that delivers a successful Workplace Culture.

In an era where a “job for life” has transformed into an average "job for 3.3 years” according to the Australian Institute for Business:

Does your workplace encourage free expression and thoughts, internally and externally?

Do you have open communication channels that allow both good news and bad news to be shared across the organisations hierarchy openly without fear of retribution?

Does your people’s well-being come before possible brand damage?

Do you provide a safe working environment by having the right health, built environment and ITC processes in place?

Do you really understand the challenges your people face everyday at work?

Do your internal and external service providers assist your people to do their job and make them feel safe and wanted?