about us

Passion. Experience. Diligence.

Listening to our clients provides the basis for a strong and robust workplace services offering, that will create an innovative, creative and productive workplace.

With people now spending more time at work than they do asleep each week, we understand that the workplace should be an environment that people want to come too. This is even more important now as employers are having to compete with employees wanting to work from home five days per week.

The workplace is more than just the building - it’s about people, place and process.

Our team uses a variety of quantitative and qualitative techniques in the development of your workplace strategy, and we keep your organisation’s aims and objectives front and centre.

Your workplace will be unique, nothing pedestrian, no cookie cutting, when working with the team at WSA

Our team’s experience will help navigate you through the generic pitfalls of workplace projects with a real focus on people, communication and the journey.

Efficiencies from your real estate can be achieved without compromising the environment in which your people work.

nothing pedestrian here…