Relocation Management

Relocation management is far from than just a “box move”.

 It is essential to  maintain your staff’s wellbeing and minimise disruption to your organisation.

The  team has had experience is moving between 5 to 1300 people over a  weekend.

Having moved over 20,000 people in the last ten years, we know most of the pitfalls and proactively work to avoid them, so your organisation can continue to be productive with minimal disruption.

Our team has worked with public sector and private sector customers in the relocation of items of heritage significance to the National Archives, to public departmental displays of historical significance in their office foyers, receptions and in some cases musuem installations.

No item in your selection of collectables are to sensitive for us, we even handle items of National significance that have been conserved by taxidermy.

The relocation of your items of significance is all in the planning so generation in the future can enjoy them as much as you do.