Real Estate Strategy

When they first start to work with us, many of our Clients don’t have a Real Estate strategy, and don’t understand the importance of having one.

If you’re an organisation with 10 employees or 10,000, the importance of your organisation’s Real Estate strategy is paramount. It is a tool that can provide massive financial benefits and can also significantly contribute to you being an “employer of choice”, thereby increasing your pool of available talent to recruit from and making it easier to retain quality talent.

Your organisational Real Estate strategy needs to consider:

1) short term;

2) medium term;

3) long term

In the process of formulating your Real Estate Strategy, our team will learn about:

• All of the workspaces that your organisation occupies, including geographic locations, classes of buildings, lease expiry dates, relationships with landlords, conditions of buildings, compliance under National Building Code;

• The organisational units occupying each building;

• The individual and teams, and how they use the space, by conducting ethnographic utilisation studies;

• Postcode analysis assessment of staff or other stakeholders;

• Assessment of client locations that your organisation services;

We then use this information to help tailor a strategy specific to your organisations needs