Post Occupancy Evaluation

Reviewing the performance of the workplace has traditionally focused on the performance of building services, such as air conditioning, elevators and lighting.

Our specialist team also looks at the performance of the built environment, and the tools provided to your employees, and whether they enable or disable them in performing to their optimum.

The Post Occupancy Evaluation process has a focus on:

• Understanding what works and doesn’t work in the workspace;

• Providing recommendations on the gaps in the new workplace;

• Providing recommendations on the risks associated with those gaps and quantify the cost of closing the gaps

Post Occupancy Evaluations are about understanding both the successes and the failures of a project.

We engage with your people by conducting surveys, interviews and focus groups to understand what works and what does not work.

“Consider the POE not the end of your workplace journey, but the framework for the ongoing evolution of your workplace.” Bligh Williams, Strategic Projects Director