
The Document Management Program for your organisation?

Have you drawn the short straw ?



We love a good document management project and we will convert you by the end of the journey -


2 June 2023

Are you paying for off-site document storage that you should not be incurring?

During periods of higher operating costs, high inflationary pressures and slower paying customers, let our team assist you in an independent review of your off-site document storage holdings.

We often save our clients for paying for storage that does not even have archive boxes store there anymore. Yes, you heard us right.

What we save you in our off-site audit is re-occurring month on month, so don’t under estimate it.

A simple review of your off-site document types will allow our team to provide the best way for you to maximise your savings.

Don’t let your storage vendor advise you, make sure your advise is independent.

Speak to us today….

Watch this page for up to date education tips of document management…..

5 June 2023

In a hybrid workplace are your employees using usb or just saving documents to email?

The pandemic has identified that may employees have reverted back to saving documents onto external USB drives or just within email.

This may not be a problem today but it will defiantly be an issue if that USB drive gets into the wrong hands, or employee leaves and their email profile is not archived for the required period of time or all documents are not passed over as they exit the business.

Is your enterprise EDRMS easy to access when outside your secure office network?

Do you know where the road blocks are for your employees to maintain best practice for records management compliance. You will be surprised.

Talk to us about conducting a records management audit to understand of how big your problem may be.