
what we offer?

Our team can assist your people on how to work most effectively in a digital environment

Our team builds success Business As Usual Plans to digitise working documents as you go.

Leading digitisation practices enables your organisation and your people to be more productive and efficient.

We also work with our clients on those daunting legacy documents that are costing your every year to store, retrieve and restore as required.

“we are leaders in developing and implementing sustainable and flexible workplaces.”

Speak to our expert team that work with a number of our clients across a wide range of industries on the digitisation of their business documents and specifically long term keep documents and reference material.

This one off cost produces year on year savings in real estate and off site storage fees.

On-Going Cost Savings

Daily digitisation practices produce:

·         Significant on-site real estate savings

·         Reduced off-site storage costs

Our team also works with our customers on delivering such cost savings by digitising long term keep legacy documents to stop the cost from today.

Retention Compliance

Our team will ensure that digited documents either created from legacy documents or created today meet the necessary retention compliance in accordance with your organisations document retention policy when loaded into your organisations records repository.

Digitisation of Legacy Documents

The most common mistake in this space is expecting your employees to pick up the extra workload required to digitise legacy documents.

Simply put - it will never happen.

Time will not allow it to happen.

The lack of engagement by the employee will not see it happen.

To be honest, we don’t blame them. For your staff it is simply overwhelming.

But not for our team. They get excited. Truly excited.

Digitisation Standards

Our team provides advisory on the best digitisation format – PDF, JPEG, TIFF, PNG and other file types depending on the document type.

We also assist clients with the introduction and education of OCR and PDF searchability.

Ownership Continuity

The digitisation team works with our customers to understand the ownership continuity of digitised documents and who within your organisation requires what access to the documents in the digitised eco-system.

Education and Training

Our team provides the necessary training for your staff on how to use the tools available to them to digitise and store electronic and scanned business as usual documents using handheld apps, office based MFD’s and other tools available to them in the office, WFH or when they are mobile.

Scoping , Tech Support

Work with your ITC team on the needs of the business to work in the digited workplace everyday.

This includes storage requirements, remote access to document repositories when outside the office and hardware and software available and permitted to be used by employees.